2.2 Launching Virtual TimeClock for the First Time
2.3 Using Virtual TimeClock
2.4 Setting Basic User Preferences
3. Time Cards
3.1 The Time Card File
3.2 Linking to a Time Card File
3.3 Adding Employee Time Cards
3.4 Modifying Time Cards
3.5 Deleting Time Cards
3.6 Exporting Time Card Totals
4. User Preferences
4.1 Opening the User Preferences Dialog
4.2 Calculating Time Worked
4.3 Calculating Overtime
4.4 Payroll Frequency
4.5 Sound
4.6 Report Defaults
4.7 Password Preferences
4.8 Exporting Time Cards
5. Reports
5.1 Printing a Single Time Card
5.2 Time Card Reports
5.3 Time Card Summaries
5.4 Exporting Time Card Totals
6. Registration
6.1 Shareware Information
6.2 Registration Form
6.3 Entering Your Serial Number
7. Software License
7.1 Distribution
7.2 License
7.3 Limited Warranty
1.1 Introduction
From an original development idea in 1988, Virtual TimeClock has grown up into a general purpose replacement for mechanical time clocks and hand written employee time cards. Virtual TimeClock is a continuing work in progress. It's future is completely determined by your support and feedback.
1.2 Features
Virtual TimeClock uses the internal clock on your Macintosh to record your employees comings and goings in much the same way as a mechanical time clock and time card. Virtual TimeClock can be started and quit as needed on an employee's computer. Alternatively, it can run continuously in the background of a departmental Mac. Many current users are running Virtual TimeClock as a dedicated program on older, otherwise unused Macs in a centrally located time area.
Virtual TimeClock provides the following benefits to your business:
* Freedom from the cost and maintenance of a mechanical time clock
* Saves historical time card data on an electronic time card - no more time cards to buy!
* At a glance knowledge of who is clocked in and out.
* Convenient back-up of electronic time card data.
* Easy to file standard size paper reports and time card histories.
* Free 'Try before you buy' fully functional 30 day license.
* Accurate information on employee arrival and departures.
* Optional administrative password protection for all administrative features
* Optional password protected employee clocking in and out.
* Optional password protected time card access.
* Automatic tracking of all manually performed modifications or additions,
* User selectable weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly or monthly payroll periods.
* Allows user selectable overtime calculations on a daily or weekly basis.
* Print one time card, all time cards, a summary, or export totals to your accounting program.
* Activate and deactivate employees and their time cards 'on the fly'.
* User customizable calculations for computing hours in minutes or portions of hours.
Time Saving Reports
* Automatic and accurate totals per period, per employee.
* Optional calculated overtime for on a daily and/or weekly basis.
* Convenient time card summary reports.
* Export totals for emailing, archiving or importing into payroll programs.
1.3 Program, System & Memory Requirements
Program Requirements
Virtual TimeClock 2.0 requires a color Macintosh with a 68030 processor or better. Faster is always better!
The standard version of Virtual TimeClock is in a FAT format. This simply means that Virtual TimeClock contains a superset (making it FAT) of code that allows the program to run native on newer PowerMacs while still running just fine on older 68K Macintosh computers.
System & Memory Requirements
Virtual TimeClock requires System 7.1 or newer. Version 2.0 has been extensively tested with Mac OS 8.51 and equipment from a relatively ancient Mac IIci to a brand new G3 350. Virtual TimeClock requires 3 MB of free memory to run efficiently.
Tip: The 'Classic' version of Virtual TimeClock (no longer under development but still available in the 1.8 version) is a black & white program which runs on System 6.07 or higher with 1200K of RAM available. The Classic version of Virtual TimeClock will run on a Mac Plus/Classic and almost reasonably get the job done - though it is anything but a speed demon when performing report calculations (ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk...).
1.4 Virtual TimeClock News & Information
Keith DeLong, the author of Virtual TimeClock, can be reached via e-mail at: redcort@lightspeed.net
As of May 1999, the latest Virtual TimeClock news and information is available on the Internet at the following address: http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~kdelong/timeclock
The Internet, being an evolutionary environment, may not even know about the above Internet address by the time you read this. If the above address is not longer valid, you will continue to be able to find Virtual TimeClock's latest home and version by simply doing a search for Virtual TimeClock at www.shareware.com , www.download.com , or the Info-Mac archive.
2.1 Overview
Virtual TimeClock 2.0 consists of two main components, a time clock window and an employee time card file.
The time clock window consists of two lists designated 'Employees Out' and 'Employees In'. The employees in and out lists are built and maintained using the data stored in the employee time card file.
The employee time card file is a small data file that consists of an electronic time card for each employee. All of your employee time card information is stored in this file.
2.2 Launching Virtual TimeClock for the First Time
When you double click the Virtual TimeClock program icon for the first time, a number of things occur. Several of the start up actions may require input from you, the user:
A preferences file is created for you that will store all of your user settings. If you have version 1 of Virtual TimeClock on your computer, it will recognize this and ask you if you want to copy your user preferences from version 1.
Virtual TimeClock looks for a time card file. If it cannot find one, it asks you to locate your time card file. Although it can be stored anywhere, by default the time card file is found within the Time Card Folder that is within the Virtual TimeClock folder. If a time card file is not properly located, Virtual TimeClock is forced to quit.
Lastly, the main time clock window opens. This window informs you of the current date and time along the top of the window. It also gives you two lists of your active employees those employees who are 'clocked in' and those who are 'clocked out.'
2.3 Using Virtual Time Clock
When you first launch Virtual TimeClock, the time card file is set up with one employee with the name of 'DoubleClick Me' (for reasons explained in the next paragraph) 'DoubleClick Me', as an active employee, is displayed in the time clock window list 'Employees Out'.
To move (or 'Clock') an employee 'In' or 'Out', simply double-click on an employee name in the time clock window. An audible chime as well as the movement from one list to the other signifies that the employee has been successfully clocked in or out.
Double-clicking on an employee name causes Virtual TimeClock to do two things. First, it date and time stamps the selected employee's time card as 'In' or 'Out' and secondly it moves the employee name to the opposite list on the time clock window (from 'Out' to 'In' and vise versa).
Try this:
1. Double-click on 'DoubleClick Me' to clock him (or 'her' if you prefer!) in.
2. Select 'Open TimeCards' from the File menu (or press command-T).
Your will notice that 'DoubleClick Me' has a time card in fact it is the only time card (the time card says it is '1 of 1').
You will also see today's date displayed with a 'Clock In' time shown under the first 'In' column. Since many companies have their employees clock in and out at lunch, there are two 'In' and two 'Out' columns for each date. In practical use, your business may have only one in and out per day or your employees may clock in and out several times using more than one line. Virtual TimeClock manages all these scenarios without difficulty when it comes time to total the employee's hours.
3. Select 'Open TimeClock' from the File menu (or press command-T) to return to the time clock.
2.4 Setting Basic User Preferences
Under the Edit menu, there are several user selectable settings. You will need to explore and set up several of these to make Virtual TimeClock useful to your business.
Selecting 'Payroll Period' from the Edit menu displays the current payroll period stating date as well as the frequency in which your company pays your employees weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, or monthly. Select the payroll frequency you use by clicking once on the drop down box and then selecting the appropriate payroll frequency from the resulting list that appears. To change the payroll period starting date, click once on the button 'New Date.' Using the calendar that is now displayed, double-click on the correct starting date for your current payroll period. Once you are satisfied with your payroll period settings, click the 'OK' button to dismiss the Payroll Start Date and Frequency dialog.
Selecting 'Admin Password' from the Edit menu allows you to create an admin level password to limit access to the administrative features of the program. It is helpful to not use an admin password as you learn the program. This avoids being constantly requested for an admin password as you explore the program's features. The admin password can be accessed and modified at any time by selecting it in the Edit menu. Entering nothing for an Admin Password and then selecting 'OK' causes the program to remind you that you are turning off all admin level password protection.
Selecting 'Preferences' from the Edit menu displays the User Preferences dialog. You will notice that the preferences dialog allows you to customize how Virtual TimeClock functions according to your business needs and preferences. See the expanded preferences information in chapter 4 to learn more about your user preference options.
3.1 The Time Card File
Virtual TimeClock comes with an empty time card data file called 'Time Card file'. You can use this file 'as is' or rename it to reflect your time card Information (i.e. ABC Graphics Time Cards). The name of your time card file will be displayed on the header of the time card window when it is open. By naming your time card file and then giving a unique name to each back-up you create (i.e. "June 1999 Time Cards"), you will always have a convenient way to know that Virtual TimeClock is connected to the proper time card file.
It is strongly recommended that you CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR EMPTY TIME CARD FILE. For clarity in selecting active timecard files, you should rename your blank File back-up an obvious name like 'Blank Time Card File'.
Tip: If the program is accidentally linked to a blank timecard file, it will appear you've 'lost' your timecard file. Simply choose CHANGE TIMECARD FILE from the File menu and select your proper time card file.
By default the employee time card file is available to anyone using Virtual Time Clock. The time card file can be password protected to limit employees to only looking at their own time cards. To enable this limitation, select the "Viewing Employee Time Cards" check box in the Password Protection options of the User Preferences dialog.
3.2 Linking to a Time Card File
Virtual TimeClock is initially linked to the standard sized Time Card File. This can be changed at any time by choosing SELECT TIME CARD FILE form the File menu. A standard Macintosh dialog will appear asking for you to link a time card file to the time clock. The program then builds an employee in and out list for the time clock window and automatically links the file to the program. Virtual TimeClock remembers the Time Card Link as long as the files are not moved or folders renamed.
3.3 Adding Employee Time Cards
To create a new employee time card:
1. Select 'Open TimeCards' from the File menu (or press command-T). Once you are in the time card file, you will notice that the TimeCard menu is enabled.
2. Select 'New Card' from the TimeCard menu (or press command-N). When you create your first employee time card, Virtual TimeClock modifies the first time card with the name 'DoubleClick Me'. Subsequent to the first employee, Virtual TimeClock creates a new employee time card and alphabetizes the file by last name.
3. When prompted, enter the employee's name (First Last, i.e. John Doe) and press 'OK'.
4. At the next prompt, enter the employee's Social Security number (optional).
5. At the following prompt, enter the employee's password (optional). Employee passwords are used if you set the User Preferences (Edit menu) to require a password to clock in/out or to view employee time cards.
6. If you enter a password for the employee, you will be prompted to confirm the password by reentering it.
Additional employee time cards can be created by repeating the above steps.
New employee time cards are set by default to 'Active Employee' (as shown by the check box selected in the lower right corner of the time card). Being an 'Active Employee' has two consequences (1) the employee's name is shown on the Time Clock lists and (2) the employee's current time card and totals are included in all payroll reports.
When you are finished, select "Open TimeClock" from the File menu (or press command-T) to return to the time clock. All active employees will be listed in the time clock window in alphabetical order. Active employees can now be clocked in and out.
Tip: A common password used for employees is their birth date. It's hard for them to forget and unlikely to be immediately known or easily remembered by other employees.
3.4 Modifying Time Cards
If an employee forgets to clock in or out, the administrator (with the 'administrative' password) can make manual adjustments to the employee time card. An employee who forgets to clock in can clock in when they remember and then request a manual adjustment to their time card.
The employee who finds they forgot to clock out will be notified when they next clock in. The administrator can easily go back and modify the employee's time card to reflect a true (agreed upon!) clock out time and day. To modify a single time card entry:
1. Go to the employee time card you wish to modify.
2. Double-click on the line of the time card you wish to modify.
3. Your administrative password gives you access to add, modify, or delete any line on the time card.
ADD A DATE in the TimeCard menu allows the administrator (anyone with the administrative password if activated) to manually insert a new time clock line (with manually entered times) into a time card.
DELETE DATES in the TimeCard menu allows the administrator (anyone with the administrative password if activated) to delete a number of consecutive dates from a time card. This command is usually used to clear older historical time card data. The user is prompted to back-up the time card file before deleting any data.
ERASE TIMECARD in the TimeCard menu allows the administrator (with the administrative password) to delete all time card information (clock ins and outs) from either the current or all employee time cards.
EMPLOYEE PASSWORD allows employees or administrators (anyone with the administrative password if activated) to change the employee's password.
3.5 Deleting Time Cards
Selecting DELETE CARD in the TimeCard menu allows the administrator (anyone with the administrative password if activated) to delete the current time card. One Time card is always required to remain in the TimeCard file. The final time card cannot be deleted since it is necessary as a place holder for the TimeCard database.
3.6 Exporting Time Card Totals
Exporting timecard totals allows you a number of flexible options:
* Export to a text file that can be imported into a database or other accounting/payroll software
* Export to a read-only text file that can be easily emailed to a central payroll location.
* Export to create historical electronic text files of past timecard activity.
Beginning at the Time Clock window, the export process is as follows:
1. Select EXPORT TIMECARDS from the File menu at the main Time clock window:
2. Enter the Dates you want to total and export (defaults to the current payroll period)
3. Select "Export"
4. Enter a file name (and location) for the exported text file in the resulting dialog
5. Select "Save"
The exported file can either be an editable text or a read-only text file. This setting is controlled in the User Preferences settings found under the Edit menu.
4.1 Opening the User Preferences Dialog
User Preferences are accessed by by selecting PREFERENCES from the Edit menu. The User Preferences dialog controls the program in seven (7) major areas: calculating time worked, calculating overtime, determining the payroll frequency, determining sound, report defaults, password protection, and the rules for exporting time cards.
4.2 Calculating Time Worked
Round to Quarter Hours causes Virtual TimeClock to round and calculate employee hours worked into quarter hour segments. Unselecting this option causes all hours to be calculated to the minute. The time is calculated according to "the seven minute rule".
This principle for rounding is best demonstrated by an example:
Actual Time Calculated Time
7:53 - 8:07 AM 8:00 AM (up to 7 minutes past the hour)
8:08 - 8:22 AM 8:15 AM (up to 7 minutes past 8:15)
8:23 - 8:37 AM 8:30 AM (up to 7 minutes past 8:30)
8:38 - 8:52 AM 8:45 AM (up to 7 minutes past 8:45)
8:53 - 9:07 AM 9:00 AM (up to 7 minutes past 9:00)
Since the same rules apply for clocking in and out, the credits and costs of this rounding process tend to even themselves out, creating a payroll and time scheme that credits hours worked in neat 1/4 hour increments.
Totals in Minutes causes Virtual TimeClock to calculate totals in hours and minutes (3:15 = 3 hours and 15 minutes). Unselecting this check box causes Virtual TimeClock to calculate in hours and portions of an hour (3.25 = 3 1/4 hours).
4.3 Calculating Overtime
Calculate Daily after... causes Virtual TimeClock to calculate overtime hours according to the threshold number of daily hours entered. Unselecting this option prevents Virtual TimeClock from any calculation of daily overtime.
Calculate Weekly after... causes Virtual TimeClock to calculate overtime hours according to the threshold number of weekly hours entered. Unselecting this option prevents Virtual TimeClock from any calculation of weekly overtime.
Note: Weekly overtime is ignored when using semi-monthly or monthly payroll periods since it is virtually impossible to track weekly overtime during a period that spans incomplete weeks.
4.4 Payroll Frequency
Four radio buttons are available to select your proper payroll frequency - weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.
4.5 Sound
Clocking In & Out selection allows you to turn on and off the audible chime made when clocking in and out.
4.6 Report Defaults
1 Time Card Per Page defaults Virtual TimeClock to print one time card per page on a time card report. Unselecting this option causes Virtual TimeClock to print time cards in a continuous format.
Print a Summary defaults Virtual TimeClock to print a time card summary report before printing out the detailed time card report. Unselecting this option causes Virtual TimeClock to not print a summary by default
4.7 Password Protection
Clocking In & Out creates the requirement for an employee password (or the administrative password) in order to use the timeclock (clocking in and out). Unselecting this option allows clocking of an employee in or out simply by clicking on the employee name.
Viewing Time Cards creates the requirement for an employee password (or administrative password) in order to use the access the time card file (selecting OPEN TIME CARDS from the File menu). Entering a password takes the employee only to their time card without allowing access to other time cards (the navigational menus in the TimeCard menu are disabled). Unselecting this option allows anyone access to the employee time cards.
4.8 Exporting Time Cards
Include Headers (field names) causes Virtual TimeClock to export field headers along the top row of the exported file. The export field header is "Name,SSN, Starting Date,Ending Date,Regular Hours,Overtime Hours, Total Hours"
Include total if 0 hours worked causes Virtual TimeClock to include all time cards with 0 hours worked in the export period. Unchecking this option causes employees with zero hours to be excluded in the exported file.
Export files as 'Read-Only' causes Virtual TimeClock to save the file in the Simple Text 'read-only' file format. This is useful when there is a desire to have control over the integrity of the exported file (e.g. when the exporting is done by the employee remotely and emailed or sent to payroll for processing).
See Section 3.7 for complete exporting instructions.
Virtual TimeClock provides four different reports for your employee time cards. From the time clock window, the file menu presents the option to (1) print a report, (2) print a summary, or (3) export the time cards. When you open the time card file, you have an additional menu item added allowing you to (4) print a single time card. Before printing, Virtual TimeClock always verifies the current payroll period starting date and frequency.
Unregistered versions of Virtual TimeClock print a shareware reminder on each time card report. The registered version of the program prints your company name (as entered on the registration form) on the top of each page.
5.1 Printing a Single Time Card
The PRINT THIS CARD file menu is only available when the time card file is open. After navigating to the time card you desire to print, select PRINT THIS CARD from the File menu. The hours, total hours, and any overtime are all automatically calculated before the time card is printed.
5.2 Time Card Reports
Printing a Report provides a detailed report of the time card hours, totals and overtime for all active time cards one per page or continuous depending on your user preference settings.
Printing a Summary prints a summary of all of the totals of all active time cards.
Exporting TimeCards allows you to export current time card information into a comma separated file (CSV), that can be sent to your payroll department or imported directly into your payroll accounting program.
Printing This Card allows you to print a single time card. This option is available to any employee with access to the time card while all the other reporting options are protected by the administrative password if one is in effect.
Current employee time card reports can be printed at any time by selecting PRINT REPORT form the File menu.
Tip: Only Time cards with the "Active Employee" box checked on the time card are printed during a report run. This allows you to keep a terminated, inactive, vacationing, or disabled employee's time card 'on file' without printing a blank time card for them during report cycles where they have not worked any hours.
5.3 Printing Time Card Summaries
Summary reports are an abbreviated report showing totals per employee only. Summaries are a great tool for entering time card totals into payroll programs or to forward on to another department or payroll company for processing.
5.4 Exporting a Time Card Report
The file menu also offers the option to export time card totals. Exported report totals allows greater flexibility in using Virtual TimeClock:
* Exported files can be imported into any database or accounting application that imports comma delimited plain text files.
* Remote users of Virtual TimeClock can export a 'read-only' text file that can easily be attached to an email to the home office or payroll department.
* Archival records of employee totals can be conveniently saved electronically each payroll period.
See Section 4.8 (User Preferences) for including file headers and setting exported files to be 'read-only'. See Section 3.7 for complete exporting instructions.
6.1 Shareware Information
You may use this software for a period of 30 days to evaluate its usefulness to you. A reminder of the software's unregistered status will appear at launch about a weeks use. A shareware reminder will also appear on the time clock window and on all of your reports.
If you continue using this software beyond your evaluation, you are urged to register the software with the author. In the spirit of shareware, the license fee follows a simple sliding scale as follows:
$29.95 for a single employee use
$59.95 for businesses with up to 10 employees
$99.95 for businesses with over 10 employees
This sliding scale allows affordable license fees appropriate to the size of your company and the proportional benefits you receive in using Virtual TimeClock. A registration acknowledgment and serial number will be e-mailed (or mailed if necessary) to you the same day payment is received.
The license fee covers a single Virtual TimeClock program running on a stand alone Mac at one business site. Contact Keith DeLong (redcort@lightspeed.net) for site licensing or other unusual license requests.
6.2 Registration Form
To register your copy of virtual timeclock:
1. Select REGISTER from the contact menu
2. Complete the registration form, and select PRINT.
3. Mail the printed registration form along with your registration fee to:
Keith DeLong
1156 E. Quincy Avenue
Fresno, California 93720
Alternately, there are both new user and upgrade registration text files included with the download. These can be printed, completed and mailed if the integrated registration from is inconvenient to you.
6.3 Entering Your Serial Number
Once you have received your serial number, your copy of Virtual TimeClock is registered by entering the serial number into your program.
Select SERIAL NUMBER from the Contact menu, and enter your serial number, business name, and license type.
Tip: The serial number is dependent upon your company name as returned to you with your serial number. This same company name is printed out on your time card reports. Make sure your entered company name matches your registered company name when you enter your serial number.
7.1 Distribution
Virtual TimeClock (the Software) is a copyrighted work. It is not in the public domain. It is freely distributed as Shareware. As Shareware, you are encouraged to give a copy of this software to another individual or business if you include this document and all other related materials that came with this software package. The Software may not be sold, incorporated into other products, or in any way commercially sold or marketed without the prior written consent of the author.
7.2 License
No license exists during the evaluation period of the Software. Unregistered Software is not warranted and is distributed 'as-is' for the purpose of evaluating the usefulness of the software for a 30 day period.
Once the Software is properly registered, the Software remains is the property of Keith DeLong or his licensers and is protected by copyright law. While Keith DeLong continues to own the Software, you will have certain rights to use the Software after your registration and acceptance of this license. Except as may be modified by a license addendum which accompanies this license, your rights and obligations as a registered used of this Software are as follows.
You Can:
* Use one copy of the Software on a single computer;
* Make one copy of the Software for archival purposes or copy the software onto the hard disk of your computer and retain the original for archival purposes;
* Use the Software on a network, provided that you have a licensed copy of the Software for each computer that can access the Software over that network;
* After written notice to Keith DeLong, transfer the Software on a permanent basis to another person or entity, provided that you retain no copies of the Software and the transferee agrees to the terms of this agreement.
You Cannot:
* Copy or in any way modify the documentation which accompanies the Software;
* Sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the Software;
* Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of the Software, or create derivative works from the Software; or
* Use the serial number provided with this license on more than copy of the Software.
7.3 Limited Warranty
Your sole remedy in the event of loss resulting from the use of the Software will be that Keith DeLong will, at his option, refund the money you paid for the Software. Keith DeLong does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or that the Software will be error-free.
The above warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights, which vary from state to state.